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  • Betsy Mangone

    Jul 1, 2016 by Ludeman Center
    I have chosen to continue working with and supporting the Ludeman Center for so many years because it exemplifies what attracts me to support an organization with my time and money—an important mission, a successful track record, excellent leadership, strong strategic and financial goals, an emphasis on honoring those who choose to support it, and finally, the friendships between the Ludeman Center's faculty, staff and my fellow colleagues on the Advisory Board.
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  • Nancy Tankersley

    Oct 1, 2015 by Ludeman Center
    Nancy encourages everyone to do two simple things to raise awareness about women’s health: ask your doctor about it and talk to your friends. As a former health care worker, Nancy knows that by engaging your doctor in the conversation, you will help them become aware of the importance of sex differences in research and treatment. By talking to your friends, you are spreading the word about topics that could one day improve their treatment for health issues and save their lives.
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  • Catherine Petros

    Apr 1, 2015 by Ludeman Center
    Incoming Advisory Board chair, Catherine Petros, is very committed to supporting the careers of the Ludeman Center's junior faculty. Catherine joined the Ludeman Center Advisory Board in 2012 and served as chair of the Annual Community Luncheon in 2012 and 2013.
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  • Mary Sissel

    Apr 1, 2014 by Ludeman Center
    The Center is not only searching for ways to diagnose, treat and prevent the diseases, but it is training and mentoring the next generation of scientists in women’s health. I understand the timeline can be long to find solutions in science. I am driven to support this work, not to find the answers for my generation, but to “pay it forward” for my children and their children. That’s what I hope will be my legacy.
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  • Helen Jean Mitchell

    Jan 1, 2013 by Ludeman Center
    The Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research is very grateful to the donors and supporters who support its three fold mission of research, mentoring, and education and outreach. Helen Jean Mitchell, who is generously supporting cardiovascular research at the Ludeman Center, recently shared with us why she chose to direct her gift to the Ludeman Center.
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  • Showing 96 - 100 of 119 results

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Ludeman Family Center for Women's Health Research

CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center

12348 East Montview Boulevard

Mail Stop C-263

Aurora, CO 80045


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