Medical Physics Pre-Interview Information

Welcome to CU's Medical Physics Pre-Interview Site

The residency program at the University of Colorado was an incredible experience, and fully prepared me to start my career as a medical physicist. My favorite part of the program was the physics faculty; they were all completely invested in training us to be excellent medical physicists. - Taylor Patton, Alumnus

Welcome Medical Physics Candidates - Program Director Dr. Leah Schubert

Congratulations, candidates! You've been selected to interview for our medical physics resident opening. We look forward to speaking with you. While we wish we could be meeting with you face-to-face, we nonetheless remain committed to conducting an engaging, insightful, and equitable virtual interview season.

Below you will find a few welcome videos from our department and program leadership, along with a table of contents linking you to more information on our program (such as faculty bios, an overview presentation, and 360 tours of our campus and department).

For a full overview of our program, including available treatments and technologies, please visit our main website.

Welcome to the Medical Physics Residency Program - Chief Physicist Dr. Moyed Miften

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