Division of Artificial Medical Intelligence in Ophthalmology 

Founded in 2022, our faculty at the Division of Artificial Medical Intelligence in Ophthalmology work every day to incorporate AI methods into patient care, leading to a more proactive healthcare approach, identifying patterns and trends in individuals and populations throughout and beyond the Rocky Mountain region to improve outcomes and efficiencies. Our team works on projects like using AI to diagnose eye conditions like glaucoma reliably, and working with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to help AI find signs of Parkinson's Disease early. 

Our Team

Singh, Praveer

Praveer Singh PhD

Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
  • Ophthalmology (SOM)
  • Artificial Medical Intelligence

Ophthalmology (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute

1675 North Aurora Court


Aurora, CO 80045

Administration: 720-848-2500 Appointments: 720-848-2020

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