HOMER uses a community-based participatory research approach and will work with a Community Advisory Council to help guide and inform all aspects of the study. The HOMER Community Partners attend regular online meetings every 3-6 weeks in order to work with and advise the researchers at the University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Learn more about it in the Community Advisory Council's own words:



So far, council members have worked with the academic research team in partnership to:

  • Develop patient recruitment materials and protocols 
  • Select surveys and inform the protocols used to collect data from patients 
  • Interview for recruitment videos
  • Challenge research team to keep equity at the forefront of all decisions

As the study progresses, the council will help:

  • Interpret summary data 
  • Inform and participate in Practice Orientation trainings
  • Determine how to share results with other researchers, educators, policy makers, communities, organizations, and more!

The 15 community partners are located in Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, and New York, and include the diverse perspectives of pharmacists, clinicians, office managers, hospital staff, farmers, addiction treatment case managers, and probation officers, including members with lived addiction and Medical Assisted Treatment experience. 

To find out more, email homer@cuanschutz.edu


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