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  • Exercise benefits

    How Much Exercise Do You Need to Get Healthier?

    Feb 20, 2019 by Janet Lee
    “This amount has been shown to help reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and decreased cognitive function,” says Judith Regensteiner, Ph.D. She’s the director and a founder of the Center for Women’s Health Research at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora.
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  • women heart attack

    Why Heart Attack Symptoms Are Sometimes Missed in Women

    Feb 19, 2018 by Jacqueline Howard
    "I think so many of us are scared to call the ambulance, to call 911, because we don't want somebody to say, 'Well, you just have indigestion; go home,' " said Murphy, who authors a blog dedicated to encouraging other heart attack survivors. "I would rather have somebody be told at the ER that it's not what they thought it was, and it's not a heart attack, than to have somebody have a heart attack not get help and then could die," she said.
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  • Anschutz Foundation gift 2018

    Historic $120 Million Gift from The Anschutz Foundation

    Aug 21, 2018 by Guest Contributor
    “Philip Anschutz and The Anschutz Foundation are helping lead a visionary transformation of health care in Colorado and beyond,” said CU President Bruce D. Benson. “This gift, combined with their previous commitments, goes a long way toward ensuring the CU Anschutz Medical Campus is one of the leading medical care, research and education facilities in the world.”
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  • Amy Huebschman Exercise Study

    New Research Offers Achievable Approach to New Year’s Resolution to Exercise More

    Jan 1, 2019 by Christie McElhinney
    Through continuing research, says Regensteiner, the Center for Women’s Health Research is working to identify more and better ways to help people move past barriers to regular exercise. “Some barriers are individual health challenges,” she said. “For example, we know that it’s more difficult for women with diabetes to exercise than it is for men who are also affected by this disease...
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  • Showing 116 - 119 of 119 results

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