University of Colorado Hospital
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Surgery Styles -- "surgery-spaced" class
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Surgery Styles -- smart float
Welcome to the the Division of Urology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Our mission as an academic unit within the Department of Surgery at the CU School of Medicine is as follows:
University of Colorado Hospital
Denver Health
Children's Hospital Colorado
Rocky Mountain Regional VA
Alison Xie, PhD, received a grant from the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research to study sex differences in blood pressure regulation.
Wood's new role will build on collaborative surgical programs for teens and young adults across the Anschutz Medical Campus.
CU surgery faculty members Dan Wood, PhD MBBS, FRCS Urol, and Duncan Wilcox, MD, recently published an overview of the condition in which the hole through which urine passes is on the underside of the penis.