Our educational conferences are a key component of our training program. Fellows are expected to attend all conferences as part of their training.
Fellow Education Day: Two-half days per month are dedicated education days for the fellows. Fellows are released from clinical duties in order to attend the education sessions. The core curriculum covering all aspects of renal physiology, vascular system, basic immunology as well as clinical topics is given during these sessions. Additionally, board review sessions are given during this time.
In addition to the Education Day, there are several other conferences:
Journal Club: Journal club is held once a month and is required for fellows and faculty. Fellows and faculty present recent high-impact research articles (basic and clinical) for discussion. Fellows are expected to present these papers and offer their own critique of the literature. The Division statistician, Dr. Zhiying You, attends the conference to offer teaching and guidance regarding the statistical sections of the articles presented.
Clinical Case Conference: This weekly clinical conference is led by renal fellows with faculty attendance and consists of the presentation of cases with discussion initially be fellows and afterward by faculty.
Renal Grand Rounds: This weekly conference consists of an in-depth review of core topics in nephrology. It is clinically based, primarily presented by fellows, and provides the fellow's opportunities to learn how to deliver lectures for their future careers.
Renal Pathology Course: Once a month, our renal pathologist, Dr. Scott Lucia reviews renal pathology. Fellows and faculty discuss the renal biopsies with the renal pathologist and fellows received additional training in the interpretation of renal biopsies and glomerular and tubular diseases.
Renal Research Conference: This weekly conference consists of faculty and research fellows presenting their research. Dr. Raphael Nemenoff, Director of Research, invites outstanding University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus and external speakers to provide complementary lectures throughout the year. Research fellows are required to present their research proposals at the beginning of the year and this is followed by a research in progress lecture later in the year.
Access Planning Conference: This weekly conference occurs at Denver Health Medical Center with interventional radiology and vascular surgery. This conference reviews ultrasound vein mapping and venograms and exposes fellows to joint decision making for vascular access. Additionally, fistulagrams are reviewed to expose the fellow to complications and management of vascular access issues.
Quarterly Quality Assurance Conference: The quarterly QA/QI conference addresses all aspects of the clinical practice of nephrology. Procedures and complications of treatment undertaken by the fellows are specifically reviewed.
Joint Rheumatology/Renal Conference: This quarterly conference consists of discussion of diagnosis and management of cases jointly by renal and rheumatology.