In laser scanning confocal microscopy, the sample is raster scanned with a diffraction limited laser spot that causes fluorescence or reflected light, which is collected by the objective, filtered through a pinhole in a conjugate plane, and recorded by a photodetector. Filtering through the pinhole rejects out of focus light which results in optical sectioning capability that allows for imaging samples in 3D. Laser scanning confocal microscopes can typically accommodate a broad range of fluorescent imaging channels yielding crisp multi-channel images. They are, however, limited in their scan speed as each pixel (voxel) in the image gets sampled sequentially.
List of microscopes that can image with these techniques:
- Abberior Infinity Line
- Abberior STEDYCON
- Olympus FV1000 MPE/DIVER
- Olympus FV1000
- Zeiss LSM780
- Zeiss LSM980