Check out this faculty development activities handout highlighting
opportunities in the Department of Medicine and School of Medicine.
Deadlines and Details for:
TENURE: Tenure requests are required to submit a completed dossier to the Department of Medicine by July 31, 2022*
All OTHERS: Are required to submit a completed dossier to the Department of Medicine by August 31, 2022*
*If dossiers are incomplete by the above due dates, the promotion will be held for the next promotion cycle. Note: These are hard deadlines.
To begin this process, please work with your Division representative. General questions and extension requests? Contact Nancy Miller at
NANCY.J.MILLER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU—DOM contact for this cycle.
Overall, CUSOM expects a strong class of matriculants (~184 from a total of more than 10,000 applicants).
Faculty interested in helping with the admissions process may indicate this on their PRiSM reviews of reach out to Jeffrey Soohoo directly.