01/22: Tara Rynders - Playing resiliency: Theatrical interventions engaging burnout and secondary traumatic stress
02/19: Dr. Amy Zelenski - Improv4Health: Using medical improv to foster empathy, compassion, and self-compassion
03/19: Jill Sonke - What is it about the arts that can it enhance wellness?
04/16: Julia Langley - Adapting to a virtual world: Challenges, changes, and surprising success stories in a global pandemic
05/21: Susan Magsamen - The science and art of restorative spaces for our frontlines
06/18: Dr. Jandel Allen-Davis - Discovering and leveraging the creativity within
07/16: Dr. Sarada Krishnan - Promoting health and wellbeing through horticulture
08/20: Dr. Jess Bone - Exploring the impacts of arts on health outcomes
09/17: Meet the creators of the Colorado Resiliency Arts Lab