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Make Medical Choices

These documents need to be completed with your medical provider.

Ask your doctor if these documents are right for you.

The Colorado Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form has medical decisions about certain life sustaining treatments. This form is not for all people. This document is intended for individuals with serious illness or frailty. It is best to talk about this with your provider.

This form requires a signature from a Medical Doctor (MD), Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), or a Physicians Assistant (PA).

The Colorado CPR Directive is specifically for those who do not want to be resuscitated by CPR in the event their heart or breathing stops. This document does not include other interventions. Some individuals also prefer to wear DNR bracelets in case of an emergency.

This form requires a signature from a Medical Doctor (MD).
These documents address specific medical choices related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR, nutrition and medical interventions. These documents must be filled out with your medical provider to be valid.

Medical Documents

Winding road through the forest

Advance Care Planning Roadmap

Contact Us:
12631 E. 17th Ave, Mail Stop B179, Aurora, CO 80045

We have provided links to external websites as a convenience to you. The websites provide general information. You should discuss specific questions about your situation with individuals who are knowledgeable about applicable law. This is not legal advice, and if you have legal questions, you should reach out to your attorney to help you understand your options.

Our Mission: 
We want to help Coloradans find information for future medical planning, including choosing a medical decision maker.


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