Colorado Care Planning Logo 02

Advance Care Planning Reports & Organizations

Advance Care Planning in Colorado
Needs Assessment

In 2015, our team conducted a needs assessment related to advance care planning in Colorado.

There are many opportunities to learn more about advance care planning around Colorado.

*Click on the Logo Images below to learn more about each organization
Health District Advance Care Planning Team Logo
The Denver Hospice Logo
The Conversation Project in Boulder Logo 02

Colorado Gerontological Society Logo

The Colorado Gerontological Society (CGS) takes a comprehensive approach to  advance care planning to increase the quality of life of older adults and their families by discussing the medical, financial, and legal aspects of planning.

Colorado Health Institute
The Last Word: Advance Directives in Colorado

Table 1: Comparing Colorado to the U.S.
Table 3: Factors that have little impact on advance directive completion

Contact Us:
12631 E. 17th Ave, Mail Stop B179, Aurora, CO 80045

We have provided links to external websites as a convenience to you. The websites provide general information. You should discuss specific questions about your situation with individuals who are knowledgeable about applicable law. This is not legal advice, and if you have legal questions, you should reach out to your attorney to help you understand your options.

Our Mission: 
We want to help Coloradans find information for future medical planning, including choosing a medical decision maker.


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