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Choose a Decision Maker

Who would speak for you if you couldn’t speak for yourself?

In Colorado, no one can automatically make medical decisions for you – not spouses, adult children, other family members, nor doctors. Therefore, it is very important to think about your values and name a person who would speak for you based on your wishes. This gives you control over your medical choices, even when you are not able to speak for yourself.

Here is a short video from our friends at The Conversation Project on how to choose a decision maker:


RECOMMENDED* A Medical Durable Power of Attorney form is the legal Colorado form to choose a medical decision maker to speak on your behalf if you were unable to make decisions for yourself because of illness or injury. This can be updated at any time.

This form does NOT require a witness signature or notary. It just needs your signature to make it legal.

ALTERNATIVE* The Easy to Read Colorado Advance Health Care Directive allows you to select a medical decision maker AND allows you to outline how you would like to be cared for at the end-of-life.

Because this is a living will, it needs to be witnessed by two people.

UPDATE* On August 2nd, 2019 Colorado’s new Psychiatric Advance Directive process went into effect: Click Here to Learn More.
"One of the most important advance directives to complete is a medical durable power of attorney. That’s putting down who you want your health care advocate to be."

Aurora Social Worker

Winding road through the forest

Advance Care Planning Roadmap

Contact Us:
12631 E. 17th Ave, Mail Stop B179, Aurora, CO 80045

We have provided links to external websites as a convenience to you. The websites provide general information. You should discuss specific questions about your situation with individuals who are knowledgeable about applicable law. This is not legal advice, and if you have legal questions, you should reach out to your attorney to help you understand your options.

Our Mission: 
We want to help Coloradans find information for future medical planning, including choosing a medical decision maker.