Searching for Funding and Application Requirements

Sponsors provide a significant amount of information to prospective applicants online. Below are just a few of the tools available to find funding, and some resources provided by major sponsors. PASS can assist with navigating these resources and tracking down hard-to-find answers.

Search for federal funding, learn the basic of grant preparation and submission, review the primary grant policies see a summary of federal grant-making agencies, and more.



Search for funding from other government, non-profit and private grant-making agencies.

National Institutes of Health

Application Guide

Learn about funding announcements, required registrations, common application components and detailed requirements for each section of an application.

Due Dates

Check this page for due dates, scientific review dates, advisory council dates and project start dates.

Parent Funding Announcements

Parent announcements are broad funding announcements for unsolicited or investigator-initiated applications.

eRA Commons

Register and log in to manage and update your profile, manage your applications and complete progress reports.

National Science Foundation

Find Funding

Department of Defense

Funding Opportunities

Search Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs

How to Apply

Review the process of applying for a DoD grant at the University of Colorado Denver.


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