MHA Students Present Their Work at Colorado Capitol
MHA 1st Year Students, Brendan Hinckley and Abby Wohlfert, Join Others from the School of Medicine on STEM Poster Day
Mar 19, 2024
Students in the Modern Human Anatomy Program were among the nearly 50 young scientists gathered in the Colorado State Capitol in Denver on March 13 to present their research. According to Mark Harden's article, the event was, "the annual STEM Poster Day at the Capitol, organized by Project Bridge Colorado, a campus group at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Project Bridge invited undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs from across the state to present their research work to lawmakers and the public with as little jargon as possible."
First year MHA students, Brendan Hinckley and Abby Wohlfert, presented work completed in their Imaging and Modeling course this Fall 2023 semester. It was an opportunity to showcase the merging of anatomical sciences and technology that is unique to the MHA master of science program. "The capitol poster conference was a great experience. I really enjoyed meeting our state representatives, people of of the community and other researchers from across the state," said Abby. Brendan added, "It was a unique experience to present to a non-research community. It was great to practice fielding the gap between research, medicine, and the non-scientific public!"
The Modern Human Anatomy program mentors and supports students so they may present their work locally at events such as the STEM Day at the Capitol, as well as conferences in North America. The MHA Program is supporting student travel for a student presenting at the American Association of Physical Anthropology meeting in Los Angeles this week, as well as six MHA students traveling to Toronto to present their work at the American Association of Anatomy annual conference.