July 1
Fall Registration Begins
August 22
New Student Orientation
August 26
First Day of Classes at AMC
September 2
No Classes - Labor Day Holiday
September 6
Last Day to Add/Drop Fall Classes
September 9
Last Day to Apply for Fall Graduation
October 28
Spring Registration Begins​
November 28-29
No Classes - Thanksgiving Holiday
December 13
Fall Semester Ends
October 28
Spring Registration Begins
January 21
First Day of Classes at AMC
January 31
Last Day to Add/Drop Spring Classes
February 4
Last Day to Apply for Spring Graduation
February 17
No Classes - Presidents' Day Holiday
March 16-20
Spring Break
May 15
Spring Semester Ends
May 22
The Master of Science in Modern Human Anatomy Student Handbook may be viewed here:
The Modern Human Anatomy graduate program adheres to the AMC Graduate School academic calendar.
Fall 2019 Graduate School Academic Calendar
Spring 2020 Graduate School Academic Calendar
Academic Calendars for all Colleges and Schools at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus for the 2019-2020 academic year are located on the Office of the Registrar's website.
A central feature of the MSMHA curriculum is the Capstone Project. Please view the MSMHA Capstone Project website for detailed information.
If you're looking for forms needed for the program, click here.
The Modern Human Anatomy program is governed by the Graduate School, which provides student services and resources for the MSMHA students. Their website has helpful information, such as the student handbook, rules and regulations, and on-campus services.
The MSMHA faculty committees for the current academic year:
MSMHA Faculty Committees.
Registration and other student activities (such as billing, financial aid, etc) can be completed through the student portal, UCDAccess. You can gain entry to the portal from the UCD homepage using "QuickLinks" in the upper-right corner of the page, or from the link below. Use your university credentials to login.
Canvas is the Learning Management System used in our courses, and is a secure resource for you and your professor. Grades, course materials, and assignments can be accessed from here. Canvas can be accessed using "QuickLinks" in the upper-right corner of the UCD homepage, then clicking on "Course Login." Canvas may also be accessed using the link below. Use your university credentials to login.
The university's method of communication with students is through the ucdenver email account. All students are responsible for regularly checking this email account, or forwarding email from this account to a prefered address. Students may access their mail accounts via webmail, which can be found using "QuickLinks" in the upper-right corner of the UCD homepage, or from the link below.
The Education Department of the Health Sciences Library offers hands-on classes, consultations and one-on-one instruction. Classes are held in theTeaching Labs, 1st floor of the Health Sciences Library, Anschutz Medical Campus, and have a minimum enrollment of 3 unless otherwise noted. Class are FREE for students, faculty, and staff. Please visit the Health Sciences Library website to view their class schedule.
The Anschutz Medical Campus Financial Aid Office is located on the third floor of Education 2 North. AMC financial aid information and resources can be found by clicking here.
Students in the Modern Human Anatomy program may enroll in courses at the University of Colorado Denver campus. Please seek persmission from the MSMHA program prior to enrollment, to ensure that the course will count toward the MSMHA electives and thus toward degree requirements. Students may view the CU-Denver course options by logging-in to the student portal, UCDAccess. A searchable course schedule is also located at the link below.
Searchable course schedule for the University of Colorado Denver campus