medical oncology newsroom


Launch of Innovative Program to Support Working Cancer Patients

Dr. Messersmith acknowledges the physical and emotional challenges caused by cancer are only exacerbated by financial stress when patients are unable to work which is why the WeCanWork project has such great potential.


Latest Advances in Sarcoma Treatment & Patient Care

Because Sarcoma is a rare and unique disease, Dr. Wilky discusses the importance of partnering with researchers and clinicians across different disciplines to ensure patients receive a customized treatment plan and specialized care.

Increasing Diversity Enrollment in Clinical Trials

Diverse clinical-trial participation means better science, different groups of people may respond to a given medication in different ways including efficacy and side effects. When certain populations are underrepresented in medical research, the result can be further health disparities.

Hope Has a Face, Celebrating Lung Cancer Survivors

On May 11, survivors of lung cancer for five years or more gathered on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus with clinicians, researchers, and staff members in the CU Thoracic Oncology Program to celebrate with other survivors.

What Ancestry Can Reveal About Breast Cancer Risk

All women need to pay attention to their risk factors for breast cancer and ovarian cancer, but women of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish ancestry should be especially vigilant as their risk for having a genetic variant is increased, predisposing them to developing hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

CU Cancer Center’s First Assistant Director for Global Oncology

For Enrique Soto Pérez de Celis, treating cancer globally starts with treating cancer locally. It’s all part of Dr. Soto’s approach to treating and researching cancer on a global scale, which looks a little different than it does at similar programs at other cancer centers in the U.S.

Navigating Mental Health Around Cancer Diagnosis

Dr. Erin Baurle details the benefits of oncology counseling in helping patients with diagnosis disclosure and how to replace that familiar phrase of “let me know if you need anything” when offering to help a loved one with cancer.  

Studying the Power of Therapy Resistance

With support from a $3.3 million federal grant Virginia Borges, MD, and Traci Lyons, PhD, will investigate how a molecule they’ve been studying for a decade is able to promote resistance to therapies for a major type of breast cancer in the hopes of determining how to switch off the molecule’s harmful interference.

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