Emeritus Professor of Clinical Practice
University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine
Dr. Voorhees recently retired from the CU Department of Family Medicine where he served as vice chair for education and oversaw medical student education programs, multiple residencies, and fellowships. He still serves as a consultant for family medicine residencies through the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Residency Program Solutions (RPS) program. Dr. Voorhees held other AAFP leadership positions, is considered a national expert on graduate medical education funding, and uses this expertise to help other family medicine departments and residency programs. He helped pass a bill on reforming payment for rural training programs that was introduced in the U.S. Congress. He helped reform Colorado’s Medicaid System as Chair of the Medicaid Reform Task Force that adopted the Accountable Care model. He participated in the writing of two bills with the Colorado Legislature to use Medicaid GME to fund rural training programs in Colorado. He is one of the founding members of the Graduate Medical Education Initiative with more than 200 members in more than 35 states, including the rural reform initiatives. Dr. Voorhees is a consultant for the HRSA Rural Residency Program Development and Technical Assistance Center grants.