The CMIR commits to one award per year of up to $20,000. A component of project funds must be spent on CMIR services such as Research Core expertise and resources, sample access fees and data management/ statistical support, though other costs are allowed with appropriate justification. Pilot and feasibility grants should be structured to be completed in 12 months, though extensions will be allowed with for projects of greater complexity or that require use of multiple Core resources.
All CMIR members and trainee investigators from the CU-AMC or affiliated institutions are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to CMIR Members investigators who are bringing novel ideas to the area of the natural history of rheumatic disease development and/or mucosal immunobiology. Use of the CMIR cores as well as other campus cores will be emphasized, as well as potential for the proposal to advance to extramural funding.
Proposals will be evaluated by the CMIR Grant Committee.
Pilot and Feasibility proposals will be solicited by the CMIR Project Manager for committee review at published deadlines and awarded one time per year.
Proposals will be scored independently by two committee members based on the following criteria: scientific rationale, feasibility (including justification of sample size), utilization of CMIR resources to fulfill the Center mission, and potential for publication and/or future funding.
Before submitting your application, we STRONGLY recommend reaching out to the leadership of the Core(s) you are interested to utilize to discuss your proposal.
Please submit the following in one PDF: