


For all analyses we will:

  1. Perform rigorous quality control including a full quality control report
  2. Store raw data for 6 months
  3. Supply a publication quality write-up of the applied methods
  4. Assist in generating results, figures and writing for grants and publications
  5. Submit data to public repositories (e.g. GEO), if necessary

Most analyses will have a turnaround time of 2-4 weeks. If an analysis is expected to take longer, the investigator will be informed during the consultation. 


Services free of charge to Cancer Center Members

  1. Simple bioinformatics analysis for the purpose of submitting a grant
    • Generally excludes any analysis starting from raw sequencing data
    • Some example analyses include:
      1. Pathway analysis and heatmaps from processed data
      2. Access to one of our core-developed tools from processed data
  2. Consultation on experimental design or analysis
  3. Assistance with writing grant proposals for any projects providing funding for the core


Fee-Based Services

Funding for bioinformatics projects can be applied in two flexible ways, depending on the size and scope of each analysis.

For larger projects, the most effective and recommended model of funding and analysis is to fund a portion of an analyst’s salary for the length of the project. Ideally, our analysts will be written into grant applications prior to them being awarded. Using this strategy, we will assist in writing the bioinformatics portions of the grant to increase the likelihood of funding.

Alternatively, fee-for-service pricing can be applied for smaller projects at a cost estimated during the consultation. 

We offer a wide-range of bioinformatics analyses. Common services typically take 15-25 hours and include:

  • Bulk RNA-seq 
  • CUT&RUN, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq
  • Whole-genome and -exome sequencing
  • Functional screens (e.g. sgRNA synthetic lethal screens)
  • Public data mining
  • Custom bioinformatics
  • Custom R shiny software development and hosting (highly variable, >30 hours)
  • Single-cell sequencing (highly variable, >30 hours)



We strongly encourage investigators to include Bioinformatics funding in their grants. For simple or one-time analyses, we charge the following rates:

  • $140/analysis hour for Cancer Center Members
    • $165/hour for non-members


    For information on other available options, please contact our resource manager Andrew Goodspeed.

    For more information on our process, please review our collaboration expectations.

    Contact Information

    For consultation requests, general questions, or new project requests, please use our request services form through our iLab site. Alternatively, you may email the Manager.

    Andrew Goodspeed, PhD
    Manager and Data Analyst
    (303) 724 6582

    James Costello, PhD
    (303) 724 8619

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