Medical Student Training in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Department of Pediatrics


Our division offers two rotations in pediatric emergency medicine (PEM)

  1. A core rotation for third-year medical students: open to University of Colorado medical students and external medical students
  2. A senior elective in pediatric emergency medicine

All students' clinical schedules and rotations allow for attendance at our monthly case-based, open-discussion PEM Teaching Conference. The conferences include presentations from a PEM attending, a PEM fellow, and a senior pediatric resident. At these conferences, we discuss different cases and issues that present in the ED.

Emergency Care Clerkship

The Emergency Care Clerkship is a two-week curriculum during the third year at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Our vision is to exposure you to the pre-hospital and emergency medicine environment to allow you to better understand the challenges for patients and providers to provide outstanding clinical care to patients who are in need of acute medical care. Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician Kelley Roswell is the course director.

During this clerkship, students will become familiar with the recognition and initial stabilization of a patient who requires urgent or emergent health care. Specific areas of focus will include recognition of patients needing emergent intervention from shock states, altered mental status, toxicologic ingestions, and trauma. There will also be experiences related to prehospital care, splinting, disaster scenarios, simulation exercises with both adult and pediatric patients, and exposure to clinical care within interprofessional teams. The course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

Kelley Roswell
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