Message from the Division Head​​​

​​The Division of General Internal Medicine (GIM), established at the University of Colorado in 1977, was one of the first GIM divisions established within the United States. Building on a rich history and tradition, our GIM Division has undergone significant change and evolution to maintain our goal of being a national leader in patient care, medical education and health services research.

We take our three-part mission of patient care, medical education, and research​ seriously. Each of our affiliated institutions has its own unique medical care programs. These programs, when taken together, provide a wide breadth and depth of clinical experiences that allows our trainees to experience virtually all aspects of inpatient and ambulatory medical care.

This site contains in-depth information about our clinical, educational, and research programs. We are very proud of what we have been able to accomplish and hope you will spend some time reviewing the information we provide.

Thank you,

Mark Earnest, MD, PhD, FACP  | Professor of M​edicine
Division Head, Division of General Internal Medicine

Mark Earnest

APP Education and Training

7 APP Students
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