
CPT Codes

Information for Commercial Payers:

Tax ID Number:  74-2161737 (CU Medicine dba University Physicians, Inc.)

NPI: 1538321831 (Dr. Dara Aisner)


Information for Government Payers:

Tax ID Number:  74-2161737 (CU Medicine dba University Physicians, Inc.)

Facility NPI:   1245288729 (Colorado Genetics Laboratory)

Billing NPI:    1962461889 (CU Medicine)

Please contact Kathy Taylor, Business Manager, at, if you have questions about billing.


Microarray Billing Policy

Most payers, including Medicaid, now require pre-authorization, for chromosomal microarray.

If charges for microarray are to be billed to the patient's insurance, provide the following with the specimen submitted for microarray:

  • Copy of the pre-authorization for chromosomal microarray
  • Completed and signed Waiver for CytoSNP-850K Microarray form below
  • A signed waiver assures the patient a discounted rate, if the patient’s insurance denies the charges
  • If no waiver is on file, the patient may be liable for the full microarray charge

    Waiver for CytoSNP-850K Microarray


    Policy for Familial Follow-up After Abnormal Microarray

    It is recommended that parental testing be considered when a genomic imbalance is detected by chromosomal microarray to determine if the finding is an inherited or de novo occurrence.

    Depending on the specific imbalance, follow-up testing may be FISH studies, cytogenetic analysis (karyotyping), or targeted microarray.

    • If the parental/familial testing will help clarify the clinical significance of the imbalance, testing of two family members will be offered at NO CHARGE within 13 months of CMA report date.
    • For all other cases, testing is available at CGL for an additional charge. The Waiver for Targeted CytoSNP-850K Microarray form below must be completed and signed by the patient, and submitted with the specimen for targeted microarray testing. If the patient's insurance denies the charges, the patient will be billed at a discounted rate.

    Waiver for Targeted Microarray

    If you have questions or would like to discuss follow-up testing in the context of a particular patient case, please contact CGL at (303) 724-5701 and ask to speak with a Genetic Counselor.

    Colorado Genetics Laboratory (SOM)

    CU Anschutz

    Bioscience 2

    12705 East Montview Boulevard

    Suite 400

    Aurora, CO 80045


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