Multidisciplinary Research Training in Pulmonary Disease Training Grant (T32)

Research Training OpportunityPost-doctoral training positions are available on the Multidisciplinary Research Training in Pulmonary Disease Training Grant (T32) for academic year 2022–23. If you are working with a post-doctoral PhD or research fellow MD who qualifies for training support and you would like to be considered for an appointment, please click here to learn more.

Application materials should be sent to Cheryl Loudd by July 18, 2022. The Research Oversight Committee (ROC) of the Pulmonary T32 program will make a decision at the end of July. Learn more. 

JointsCall for Applications: University of Colorado Interdisciplinary Joint Biology Pilot Program

The 2022–23 grant cycle will fund new initiatives for investigators who are pursuing joint-biology related research that should lead to NIH K/R type funding or other extramural support (e.g. foundations, industry, Department of Defense, etc.). All application materials for pilot projects are due October 1, 2022 by 5pm MST. Click here to learn more or see the list of past grant recipients. 

Startup ToolboxCU Innovations Startup ToolBox

Attention CU Inventors! Does your research have the potential to transform patient lives? CU Innovations Startup Toolbox can help with your commercialization needs. Apply for a microgrant here

Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research Opportunities

Ludeman Center

  • National Research Conference on Women’s Health and Sex Differences, Oct 12-14, 2022, Colorado Springs. Learn more.
  • The Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research is offering a $2,500 award for faculty doing outstanding research in women’s heart health. Eligible candidates will be evaluated on criteria appropriate to measure progress in research. Learn more.

PrideAgold—Impact of Ancestry and Gender on Omics of Lung Disease

Updated NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

Effective Jan 25, 2023, the NIH will implement an updated Data Management and Sharing Policy, which applies to all NIH-supported research that results in generation of scientific data. The updated policy will require a detailed Data Management and Sharing plan to be submitted with grant applications, and this plan will apply to any data resulting from the funded project.

Please direct any questions to Jennifer Kemp, PhD, director of the DOM Research Office.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

New HHMI Program Pledges $1.5 Billion for Outstanding Early Career Faculty Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program, through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, is now accepting applications from outstanding basic biomedical researchers, including physician-scientists, who are strongly committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. Each Freeman Hrabowski Scholar will receive up to $8.6 million over 10 years, including full salary, benefits, a research budget and scientific equipment. In addition, Scholars will participate in professional development to advance their leadership and mentorship skills. Learn more.


SPARK|Reach Webinar Series

Spark | Reach

SPARK|Reach Webinar SeriesJuly 13, 4-6pm: Getting the Information You Need: Customer Discovery , presented by Cathy Bodine, PhD, CCC-SLP. Register now.

See the full schedule of webinars and register on the SPARK events page.

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