Drug Information

Each of the analytes included in 17 drug groups will be discussed and important features of the drugs will be included. For each analyte the half-life, volume of distribution, pKa, and molecular weight will be listed. Descriptions for what each of these values represent can be found in Table 5. Values were sourced from the Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man.2

The aspects of each drug groups’ metabolism, abuse, and detection that are of importance will be outlined. Additionally, a guide to the common drug names that contain drug analytes included in the assay can be found in Table 10. All analyte structures were generated using ChemDraw Prime, version 22.2 (©2023 PerkinElmer Informatics, Inc.).

Elimination Half-Life (t1/2)Time to reduce concentration of analyte by half
Volume of Distribution (Vd)Theoretical volume where total administered drug in the body equals concentration in plasma
(L/kg of body weight)
pKaNegative logarithm of acid dissociation constant; Measure of acidity where lower values represent stronger acids (greater protonation)
([acid] refers to acidic compounds, [base] refers to basic compounds)
Molecular Weight (MW)Mass of chemical compound in grams per mole

Anesthesiology (SOM)

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