Research and develop evidence to inform equitable policies.
Our team has expertise in:
- Qualitative analysis, including analysis of focus groups and key informant interviews
- Quantitative analysis, including analysis of large secondary data sets and claims
- Mixed methods research
- Rapid literature reviews
Translate evidence to advance integrated strategies that improve health and wellbeing.
We synthesize evidence to suggest policy levers in a variety of products including:
- Policy and issue briefs
- One-pagers
- Blogs and commentaries
- Videos and other non-traditional story-telling avenues
Educate and mentor professionals to develop a health policy lens for approaching research and practice.
Our team has included:
- Fellows for a year-long experience after their medical residency
- Psychology graduate students for a year-long internship
- Residents for a month-long rotation on a targeted area of interest
- Medical students for a mentored scholarly activity
- Public health students for a longitudinal practicum
- Undergraduate students for a summer or academic year internship
Convene stakeholders and decision-makers to improve health and healthcare together.
Our team has expertise in facilitation and coordination of multi-stakeholder groups. We lead convenings by:
- Ensuring adequate preparation prior to meetings, including pre-convening stakeholder engagement, surveys, and collation of materials
- Presenting relevant evidence
- Guiding discussion to actionable steps
- Developing reports and other deliverables to reflect the conclusions of the work
Implement strategies and aid with integrating care across systems that impact health.
We advise and support decision-making by:
- Providing technical, adaptative, and leadership assistance to state agencies and community organizations
- Articulating key problem(s) to focus solving and response
- Identifying and collecting information and data that confirms, illustrates, illuminates, or clarifies the problem(s) and points to potential policy solutions
- Developing a narrative that stakeholders readily understand and relate to using a problem statement and relevant information that provides direction and focus
- Formulating action-oriented recommendations and messaging grounded in the narrative, tailored to audiences and opportunities, and using engaging products and modalities
- Creating work plans with partners to purposefully and confidently advance policy