Tissue and Molecular Imaging Core

Terrin Manes, BS


Sr. Professional Research Assistant
Director, Skeletal Tissue and Molecular Imaging Core Service, CUIJBP

Terrin Manes is the Director of the Skeletal Tissue and Molecular Imaging Core Service in the Department of Orthopedics and is actively involved in the development of the CUIJBP Biorepository. Her histological experiences include specimen processing and sectioning, routine and specialized tissue staining as well as mentorship in molecular tissue processes in both murine and human systems. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver and enjoys bringing a creative perspective to her work.

Prabil Kaini, BA


Research Services Professional

Prabil Kaini is a research services professional who recently graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a bachelor’s degree in Integrative Physiology. He works to support the tissue collection and histological processing for the CUIJBP. He is interested in the effort to better understand the pathophysiology of inflammatory joint disease and hopes to go on to become a physician one day.

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