Clinical Trials

The staff of the Center conducts a variety of research studies to better understand the pathophysiology of complications and to develop and implement treatments and systems of care that prevent or minimize complications and prolong and improve the quality of life.

Through the Center, patients have access to national multi-center studies, such as new protocols for bone marrow transplantation.

If you would like information regarding current clinical studies at our Center contact Julie McAfee at 303-724-9072.

  • Takeda / Baxalta Pharmaceuticals: recruitment began Dec 2020
  • Pfizer Pharmaceuticals: active, contact Julie McAfee with questions
  • Selexys: closed, data analysis in process
  • Glycomimetics: closed, data analysis in process

U.S. Institute of Health - Clinical Trials for Sickle Cell Disease

For more information or to participate in a trial, please contact Julie McAfee at 303-724-9072.

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