Healthcare Provider Information

The information below is provided for your review and convenience. Please contact our Colorado Sickle Cell providers if you have any questions or require additional information.

Evidence-Based Management of Sickle Cell

An Expert Panel Report on Evidence-Based Management of Sickle Cell providing updated Patient Care Guidelines was released September of 2014 in a report published by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Disorders Institute (NHLBI).

  1. SCD Expert Report on Guideline Full Report 
  2. SCD Expert Report on Guideline Quick Guide

Adult Sickle Cell Provider: 

Pediatric Sickle Cell Provider:

Telementoring Sessions

We invite you to join our Telementoring group, which meets monthly for a one-hour video conference with the following agenda:

  1. Twenty-five minutes of case presentation (no identifying patient information is shared)
  2. Twenty-five minutes of didactic materials
  3. Ten minutes of review and wrap up

You can both join us for live sessions, and view video recordings and didactic materials from previous sessions.

  • Upcoming sessions will be posted soon.
  • To view previous sessions:
    1. Go to PSCRC
    2. Log in or create an account.
      Note: You must have an account to view previous sessions.
    3. Locate and then click the session you want to view.
For general or technical information please contact: Shalini Vora, MPH at or Ashley Fraser, MPH at

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