Office of Research Education

Who are we?

  • Angie Ribera: Associate Dean of Research Education
    • Point of contact for faculty, program, and organizational concerns and planning
  • Andy Bradford: Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
    • Point of contact for student related concerns
  • Jodi Cropper: Business Services Program Director
    • Point of contact for financial and organizational planning concerns and coordination
  • Morgan Texiera: Program Manager
    • Point of contact for program specific concerns and additional point of contact for Program Administrators
  • Steve Frazier: Business Services Sr. Professional
    • Point of contact for general administrative concerns, event planning and meeting scheduling.
  • Isabella Armijo: Academic Services Coordinator
    • Administrative point of contact for Office of Research Education and Medical Scientist Training Program


The Office of Research Education (ORE) is the home of 1 umbrella-admitting program:

and 12 PhD-granting programs:

ORE aligns within the School of Medicine and collaborates with the MD and the dual degree MD/PhD Programs.  

Students in the Biomedical PhD programs receive the education and support to conduct innovative biomedical research. The PhD programs provide training in a wide variety of essential skills, including oral and written communication, leadership, and personal and professional integrity. The diverse, inclusive, and safe environment, fostered by the School of Medicine and Anschutz Medical Campus, supports the holistic training provided by our programs that prepares one for a wide range of career opportunities.  

ORE Mission StatementInclusion Mission Statement

ORE and the 12 Biomedical PhD programs collaborate to achieve a tripartite mission: 

  • To train excellent and diverse PhD graduate students in the critical thinking, research design and methods required for impactful biomedical research.

  • To provide an intellectual center that enriches and furthers the curiosity that draws students and faculty to scientific research, innovation, education and communication.

  • To foster strong scientific interactions between the basic science and clinical/translation research communities on our campus and across the nation to advance fundamental discoveries and improve health.
The University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Office of Research Education believes that diversity enhances the learning environment, strengthens the visibility and ties to nearby communities, and contributes to the community’s overall health through scientific research that is inclusive of and benefits all communities in accordance with the mission of the medical school.


Concern Reporting Form (via Maxient)

What is it?
Maxient is a software program utilized by U.S. higher education institutions to track and record trainee behaviors (i.e. student discipline, academic integrity, care and concern records, Title IX matters, or just an “FYI”).

Why is it useful?
Maxient has centralized reporting and record keeping that will help us connect the dots and prevent students from falling through the cracks by helping us identify students in distress and coordinate the efforts of various departments to provide follow-up.

How will ORE Use Maxient?
We have created an ORE Maxient Form for students, faculty, and staff to share any concern or report any type of issue or concern about oneself or others. Once submitted, the form will be routed to the corresponding Program Director and Program Administrator for follow up. If an individual prefers NOT to notify the program, they may select "ORE" from the Program list and the form will instead be routed to the ORE Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.

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