Promotion Updates

Following input from the Promotion Taskforce and the University of Colorado School of Medicine 2024 Faculty Survey, we have drafted proposed changes to the CU SOM Rules, which have been approved by the Rules & Governance Committee. The next steps include presenting these amendments to the Faculty Senate and the Executive Committee for approval, followed by a vote of the Executive Faculty. Below, you will find our process as well as answers to commonly asked questions regarding these changes. We will continue to provide updates as the process moves forward.

Our Process

1. Proposed CU SOM Rules Change

Using input from the Promotion Taskforce and the University of Colorado School of Medicine 2024 Faculty survey

2. Approved by Rules and Governance Committee

3. Presented to the Faculty Senate and School of Medicine Executive Committee for approval

4. Voted on by executive faculty at the School of Medicine

5. Approved by the Dean and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

6. University of Colorado School of Medicine Rules Changed


Additional Information

Check out the documents below to view proposed amendments and new appendices.

Promotion Task Force

Convened by Dr. Lotte Dyrbye, the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Chief Well-being Officer in the Dean's Offices for the Faculty Experience (OFE) at the University of Colorado School of Medicine (CU SOM), and led by Dr. Sunita Sharma, the SOM Promotion Task Force was created to comprehensively review the current promotion process within the SOM. Its aim is to provide formal recommendations, with the goal of enhancing transparency and efficiency in this process for faculty across the SOM. Representation was solicited from each department and is representative of the diverse faculty throughout the school.

To learn more about the Promotion Task Force scope, recommendations, and the SOM responses, view the documents below.