The CU School of Medicine Colorado Springs Branch hosts annual events with the purpose to enlighten students, faculty, preceptors​, and the community regarding the branch and its opportunities. Upcoming events include:
- A Welcome Reception for CU School of Medicine’s cohort assigned to the Colorado Springs Branch matriculating in August each year.
- PICOS (Poverty Immersion in Colorado Springs) focuses on educating medical and health profession students on the demographics and health indicators of Colorado Springs and the challenges of living in poverty. The event is held each summer.
- Colorado Springs Branch Preview Day coincides with the School of Medicine’s 2nd Look Day and provides applicants accepted to CU School of Medicine the opportunity to visit and learn more about the branch.
- Urban Peak Night Out to End Youth Homelessness aims to raise awareness and donations for Colorado Springs's homeless youth population.
- Phase III Reception is held each year in April for all Colorado Springs Branch students getting ready to begin their 3rd year and their preceptors.
- In partnership with the El Paso County Medical Society Foundation, the CU School of Medicine Colorado Springs Branch hosts an annual Faculty Teaching Awards and Recognition Ceremony for our outstanding community preceptors.