The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide: Third Edition: What You and Your Family Need to Know |
Patient and Family Guide to the CANMAT and ISBD Guidelines on the Management of Bipolar Disorder
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings Monica Ramirez Basco, PhD |
Bipolar Disorder 101: The Basics |
Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: Signs & Symptoms |
Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep: Solutions to Insomnia for Those with Depression, Anxiety, or Chronic Pain |
Living Well with Bipolar Disorder: Practical Strategies for Improving Your Daily Life David Miklowitz, PhD |
The Social Rhythm Therapy Workbook for Bipolar Disorder Holly A. Swartz, MD |
Mood Disorder Questionnaire | Bipolar Spectrum Diagnosis Scale | Patient Health Questionnaire | Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment |
The MDQ is a screening tool for bipolar spectrum disorders and takes about 5 minutes to complete. The MDQ assesses symptoms of mania and hypomania based on the DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder. Any positive screening should be followed up with a comprehensive clinical assessment. | The BSDS is designed to be sensitive to the milder variants of bipolar disorder. The scale is helpful for screening for bipolar disorder, but there is limited evidence that it can be used to monitor treatment progress. It is more helpful in ruling out a diagnosis of bipolar disorder than making a diagnosis. | The PHQ-9 is a widely used screening tool that can help both in identifying individuals with major depression disorder as well as assessing the severity of depressive symptoms. | The GAD-7 is used to screen for the presence of anxiety. It can be used to monitor severity of anxiety symptoms over time and has been found to be sensitive to change. |
Printable Mood Chart | Moodnotes | Daylio | eMoods | iMood Journal | MindDoc | MoodPanda | Moody |
Family Focused Treatment for Bipolar Disorder
Family Focused Therapy: A Novel Approach for Preventative Mental Health Care |
Family Support Groups
Psychology Today | Colorado Psychological Association | Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance |
New Mood Disorder Intensive Outpatient Program Opening 11/4/2024!