Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs

The University of Colorado School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado are large institutions whose success depends on excellence in our faculty missions of education, clinical care, research and discovery, and service. We know that our faculty are the most valuable resource in maintaining our nationally respected leadership position among pediatric academic medical centers.

The Department of Pediatrics Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs offers support services and career guidance, and maintains helpful information for faculty regarding appointments, policies, and promotion and tenure. We hope our efforts assist faculty members in setting meaningful goals and in pursuing paths to successful, fulfilling careers.

Department of Pediatrics Faculty Affairs is committed to the success of all faculty members in the Department. Our goal is to promote faculty advancement and well-being by providing tools to successfully navigate a career at the University of Colorado. The resources provided here are not intended to replace what many sections are already doing, but rather to enhance any existing programs and ensure all faculty have a foundation for a fulfilling career.

Successful academic careers are the result of thoughtful planning and knowledgeable guidance. A defined career plan is an essential “road map” for reaching your goals. Use the resources below to develop your own plan and to find colleagues who can advise you along the way.Under this section, you will find information tailored to early career, mid-career, and senior-career faculty.

Early career faculty have less than 7-10 years of faculty experience in their fields. Early career faculty should  focus on procuring and maintaining the mentoring, training, and resources necessary as they begin to define their career paths. Career development will vary by area of focus, training, interests, and anticipated faculty series. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook [link will be inserted] for additional details on career development.

Mid-career faculty generally have more than 7-10 years of faculty experience in their fields. Mid-career faculty should focus on achieving excellence in their chosen career path, e.g. building on accomplishments as early career faculty towards a path of increasing independence, focusing on primary areas of interest, actively mentoring trainees and early career faculty, and developing leadership skills. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook [link will be inserted] for additional details on career development.

Senior-career faculty generally have more than 14 - 20 years of faculty experience in their fields. Senior faculty should focus on adding to their accomplishments; contributing to the missions of our department; making an impact on the next generation of clinicians, educators, and scientists; and, in many cases, becoming leaders at the local, regional, national, and/or international levels.


The Department of Pediatrics views mentoring as an important aspect of faculty professional and career development. Our Office of Faculty Affairs, along with the School of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs, is dedicated to enhancing faculty development through our mentoring program, especially for junior faculty.

Mentoring is a reciprocal and collaborative learning relationship in which mentor and mentee agree to a partnership and share responsibility and accountability toward the achievement of mutually defined goals that will develop a mentee’s skills, abilities, knowledge, and thinking.

Learn more about our mentoring policy, navigator program, and other School of Medicine resources through these links below.

Mentor Navigators will help faculty identify potential mentors and provide objective assessments of career and research plans. The concept of a Mentor Navigator has been developed to augment, not replace, the role of any established faculty mentor or mentoring team.

Mentoring Resources

Clinical Faculty Scholars Program (CFSP)
Helps emerging investigators obtain a career development award (e.g. K08, K23), or a first independent project award (R21, R01 or equivalent) via development of an individual career plan and regular individual mentorship from four experienced senior researchers.

Colorado Immersion Training (CIT)
Brings together experts in community engagement to help investigators address the community relevance of their research activities as well as to help communities ask and answer questions about their health

Colorado Mentor (CO-Mentor) Training Program
Provides evidence-based strategies to teach mentor/mentee pairs the practical skills they need for mentoring success

A search engine which helps investigators and students find experts, potential collaborators, or mentors both at AMC and across the nation

Adult & Child Center for Outcomes Research & Delivery Science (ACCORDS)
ACCORDS supports both methodologic cores and programs. Our methodologic cores provide support for the development of new projects, grant proposals for faculty, consultative support to investigators, as well as support for our programmatic areas. Programs focus on the development of an educational or scientific discipline and may also have a methodologic core component.

An entrepreneurial training that and uses proven customer-discovery methodologies for startups and guides teams through the early stages of discovery where they can test their business model hypotheses for their technology/idea and thereby accelerate the translation of innovations from the lab to clinical practice.

KL2 (K12) Research Scholar Awards
Provides career development to train awardees to obtain individual funding via participation in monthly mentoring/career development sessions and the annual national CTSA consortium meeting.

Optional Clinical Research Training and Resources
Available for study coordinators and investigators and cover issues such as UCD IRB processes, budgeting for a clinical trial, recruitment and informed consent, FDA audits, and good clinical practice guidelines. View regulatory tools and forms.

PreK and K to R Review Programs
Grant pre-submission mock grant review processes for faculty who are submitting their first K- or R-level application to the NIH and provides internal review prior to submission to increase the chances for success

Research Studio Program
A 90 minute structured, collaborative roundtable discussion with relevant research experts to help investigators with specific questions and is based on models from industry that demonstrate that multidisciplinary content experts can increase research impact. The service is free and funded by the CCTSI


Department of Pediatrics Faculty Affairs has compiled a number of resources to assist faculty and staff. You may find the list on our intranet page.

The Department of Pediatrics Academic Affairs Office provides guidance for and oversees the processes of assigning academic rank for new hires, mid-point reviews for assistant professors, academic promotion, and awards of tenure.

Mark Abzug, MD, serves as Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, and Nancy Krebs, MD, MS, serves as Associate Vice Chair for Academic Affairs. Rhonda Buckner and Nikki Ruderman are the administrative support for the Department of Pediatrics Academic Affairs Office.

For resources and guidelines for faculty in the School of Medicine, please visit the School of Medicine’s Faculty Affairs website

For information specific to faculty within the Department of Pediatrics, please visit the Academic and Faculty Affairs intranet page “Promotions and Tenure.” Note you will need to log in with your University of Colorado credentials to access the intranet.

For complete School of Medicine information about promotion/appointment processes and rules, promotion/appointment criteria, awards of tenure, and dossier preparation, see the School of Medicine Promotion and Tenure Page.

Celebrating Faculty Promotions and Awards of Tenure

We are pleased to announce our faculty who have been promoted to associate professor, professor and awarded tenure during the 2024–25 academic year, which go into effect on July 1, 2024.

Section of Allergy and Immunology
Pia Hauk, MDPromotion to Professor
Vijaya Knight, MD, PhDPromotion to Professor
Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes
Maki Nakayama, MD, PhDPromotion to Professor
Section of Cardiology
Scott Auerbach, MDPromotion to Professor
Benjamin Frank, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Christopher Rausch, MDPromotion to Professor of Clinical Practice
Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant Program
Amy Akerman, PA-C, MPASPromotion to Associate Professor
Tanya Fernandez, PA-C, MS '05Promotion to Associate Professor
Section of Child Neurology
Krista Eschbach, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Jennifer Janusz, PsyDPromotion to Professor
Kelly Knupp, MD, MSCS '17Promotion to Professor
Section of Critical Care Medicine
Angela Czaja, MD, PhD '19, MScPromotion to Professor
Michele Loi, MD '10Promotion to Associate Professor
Erin Stenson, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Developmental Biology
Peter Dempsey, PhDPromotion to Professor
Stephen Santoro, PhDPromotion to Associate Professor
Kelly Sullivan, PhDPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Developmental Pediatrics
Abigail Angulo, MD, MPH '17Promotion to Associate Professor
Section of Emergency Medicine
Christopher Cavagnaro, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Maya Haasz, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Kristin Kim, MD, PhDPromotion to Associate Professor
Maria Mandt, MDPromotion to Professor
Leana May Moser, DO, MPHPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Endocrinology
Sarah Bartz, MDPromotion to Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
Laura Pyle, PhDPromotion to Professor
Section of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Tolulope Falaiye, MDPromotion to Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
Section of General Academic Pediatrics
Mandy Allison, MD, MEd, MSPH ’06Promotion to Professor
Steven Federico, MDPromotion to Professor
James Feinstein, MD, MPH ’12Promotion to Professor
Amanda Bird Gilmartin, MDPromotion to Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
James Kaferly, III, MD ’09Promotion to Associate Professor
Anna-Lisa Munson, MDPromotion to Associate Professor of Clinical Practice
Joshua Williams, MD, FAAPPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Genetics and Metabolism
Austin Larson, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Tim Wood, PhD, MSPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Hematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation
Hesham Eissa, MD, MB ChB, MScPromotion to Associate Professor
Sandra Luna-Fineman, MDPromotion to Professor
Chris McKinney, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Christopher Ng, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology
Edwin Asturias, MDAward of Tenure
Jessica Cataldi, MD, MSCS '17Promotion to Associate Professor
Sara Saporta-Keating, MD, MScPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Neonatology
Jim Barry, MD, MBAPromotion to Professor
Stephanie Bourque, MD, MSCS '18Promotion to Associate Professor
Mauricio Palau, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Nephrology
Bradley Dixon, MDPromotion to Professor
Vivian Shih, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Justin Lockwood, MD, MSCS '18Promotion to Associate Professor
Kaitlin Widmer, MDPromotion to Associate Professor
Section of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Monica Federico, MDPromotion to Professor
Jane Gross, MD, PhDPromotion to Associate Professor
Amanda Messinger, MD, MSPromotion to Associate Professor
Christina Papantonakis, MDPromotion to Associate Professor of Clinical Practice

Academic Affairs

Contact or  for questions regarding

  • Scheduling an appointment with Mark Abzug or Nancy Krebs
  • Faculty promotion process including
    • Nominations
    • Dossier preparation
    • Mid-Point Review
    • Promotion readiness
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Faculty Affairs

Contact​ for questions regarding

  • Scheduling an appointment with Andrew Sirotnak about faculty concerns, feedback, or questions
  • PRiSM (Performance Review in the School of Medicine) 
  • Pediatrics LAUNCH Program
  • New Faculty Reception
  • Academic and Faculty Affairs webpages and intranet pages
  • Early Career Faculty Interest Group (ECFWG), events, and webpage
  • Mid-Career Faculty Interest Group (MCFWG), events, and webpage
  • Late-Career Faculty Interest Group (SCFWG), events, and webpage
  • PhD Faculty Working Group (PhDFWG), events, and webpage
  • Instructor Faculty Working Group (IFWG) events, and webpage

Vice Chairs


Mark Abzug
Vice Chair for Academic Affairs

My role is to provide counseling to faculty on academic rank and advancement and guidance regarding midpoint, promotion, and tenure reviews. I serve as Co-Chair of the Department of Pediatrics Promotions and Tenure Committee.


Nancy Krebs
Associate Vice Chair for Academic Affairs

I support the Department of Pediatrics’ academic actions for faculty including appointments, midpoint reviews, promotions, and tenure awards. I directly assist faculty by providing counseling and reviewing CV’s, dossiers and activities related to their academic position. I co-Chair the Department of Pediatrics’ Promotions and Tenure Committee, and maintain a close liaison with the SOM Office of Faculty Affairs.


Andrew Sirotnak
Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs

My Vice Chair role for all department faculty is to provide a venue for confidential support, career satisfaction counseling, and assistance with conflict management. I manage initiatives in mentoring, faculty development and the annual PRISM performance review process.


Gene Liffick
HR Program Director

Rhonda Buckner
Talent Management & Academic Affairs Coordinator

Nikki Ruderman
Talent Management & Academic Affairs Coordinator

Justin Lotspeich
Faculty Affairs Program Coordinator​

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