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Help 4 HD HIPE Colorado

| 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Help4HD will host their IN-PERSON HIPE (Highly Interactive Patient Experience) event in Denver, Colorado on July 19, 2025. The event will start at 8:30 AM with a welcome and breakfast, with presentations set to begin at 9:00 AM and continue until 4:00 PM. Lunch will be provided during the educational segment of the event. Afterward, an evening party will feature food, drinks, a DJ, and a photo booth. 

Dr. Emily Forbes will present during this event. A detailed agenda is to be determined.

Scholarships are available to attend. Apply here.

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Past Events

Did you miss an event that you wanted to attend? Many of the events hosted by the University of Colorado Movement Disorders Center are recorded. You can watch videos from past events at our Movement Disorders Center YouTube Channel.

What is Deep Brain Stimulation (Playlist)
2024 Annual Rocky Mountain HD Symposium (Playlist)
2024 Annual Parkinson's Disease Symposium (Playlist)

Focused Ultrasound for Parkinson's Disease & Essential Tremor

View More Videos

In the News

Below are some noteworthy recent publications. Some Movement Disorders Faculty and affiliated faculty have contributed to these articles.

Medical Breakthrough: UCHealth patient first in UC to receive groundbreaking Parkinson's treatment, March 21, 2025, "Two CU Anschutz researchers have been working with researchers across the globe to develop groundbreaking new technology called adaptive deep brain stimulation."

UCHealth patient becomes first in US to receive new Parkinson's treatment, March 21, 2025, "A patient at UCHealth became the first person in the country to receive a brand new treatment for Parkinson's Disease."

Parkinson's patient finds hope in computerized advances to brain stimulation treatment, March 21, 2025, "A CU Anschutz patient made a bit of history Friday as the first person in the nation with Parkinson's disease to experience a treatment doctors are calling groundbreaking."

CU First to Offer New Brain Stimulation Treatment for Parkinson's Disease Patients, March 21, 2025, "An update to the traditional deep brain stimulation device enables adaptive pulses of electricity that help to lessen the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and inform future research."

FDA OKs First Adaptive DBS System for Parkinson's Disease, February 24, 2025, Dr. Drew Kern talks about the newest technology in deep brain stimulation surgery.

CU Anschutz Steps Back Into the Spotlight With New Marketing Campaign, February 3, 2025, Where Dreams Live focuses on the innovative people, energy, and science on campus.

Dementia with Lewy Bodies Has Been Difficult to Diagnose Early, But Comprehensive Cognitive Testing Could Change That, January 10, 2025, The third most common form of dementia is often mistaken for Alzheimer's despite different treatment needs.

Vyalev Pump Eases "Off" Periods for Advanced Parkinson's Patients, December 23, 2024, FDA-approved Vyalev pump helps advanced Parkinson's patients manage "off" periods and maintain better control over their symptoms.

Advances in Deep Brain Stimulation May Reduce Parkinson's Disease Symptoms, December 16, 2024, CU Anschutz researchers probe new ways to improve treatment accuracy and expand access to innovations in therapy.

Not Just for Wrinkles Anymore: Botox Takes on Range of Medical Conditions, November 21, 2024, Injection therapy spreads to all corners of healthcare, treating everything from excessive sweating to bladder issues.

NeurologyLive Clinical of the Month Spotlight: Sana Aslam, DO, October 28, 2024, As part of our monthly clinician spotlight, NeurologyLive highlighted movement disorder expert Sana Aslam, DO, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine

ISTAART Relay Podcast – Lewy Body Dementias PIA, July 16, 2024, Dementia Researcher – “In this episode of the ISTAART Relay Podcast, Dr. Jessica Caldwell, a neuropsychologist and director at the Cleveland Clinic, interviews Dr. Ece Bayram, the newly appointed assistant professor and incoming communications chair for the ISTAART Lewy Body Dementias PIA.

What’s the best diet for people with Parkinson’s Disease? Eat more fish, and learn other tips. April 3, 2024 UCHealth Today – “People living with Parkinson’s Disease can benefit by adding more healthy fish, too, like trout, salmon, and tuna. They also make accommodations in the kitchen.”

Movement Disorders Center

CU Anschutz

Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion

1635 North Aurora Court

Aurora, CO 80045

CU Anschutz

Academic Office One

12631 East 17th Avenue

Aurora, CO 80045


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