Poster Presentations |
Adler M. Analyzing the Predictive Value of an Early 1-hour Glucose Tolerance Test in High-Risk Pregnancies. Poster presentation. 2024 Student Research Forum. December, 2024. Denver, Colorado. |
Akaraphanth M, Gries C. CXCR2 perturbation promotes Staphylococcus aureus implant-associated infection. Poster presented at College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Research Day. January 2024. Fort Collins, Colorado.
Alexander, D. Incidence and Risk Factors of Transient Global Amnesia in Northern Colorado. Western Medical Research Conference. January, 2025. Carmel, California. |
Bean C, Hamilton LD, Dunn JA. A survey of augmented reality/virtual reality interest in medical settings. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |
Bowling L, Throckmorton, Z., Ernewein, J. Utilization of Open Access, 3D-printed Osteology Models in Skeletal Anatomy and Skeletal Pathology Education. Poster presentation. Rocky Mountain Biological Anthropology Association annual meeting. October, 2023. Estes Park, Colorado. |
Felan N. A Survey of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Interest in Medical Settings. Poster presentation. 2024 Student Research Forum. December, 2024. Denver, Colorado. |
Felan N. Medicaid Insurance and Access to Hip, Knee, and Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgeons. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |
Felker J, Miravalle A. Improving health care literacy among patients with multiple sclerosis through a flipped classroom model. Poster presented at College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Research Day. January 2024. Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Felker J., Vidal A., Skoda J., Schaub M., Keefer K., Miravalle A. (2022, October). Improving health literacy in MS through a multidisciplinary brain health program. European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. October, 2022. ePoster Presentation. 
Garcia Creighton E, Carlos Franco-Paredes, Nicholas Felan, Andrés Henao-Martínez, Diane L. Kallgren, Rashmi Banjade, Jon A. Dyer, Taylor Nelson, Araya Zaesim, Michael J. Peluso, Vivek Jain, Dong Heun Lee, Lucio R. Minces, Mary Wirshup, Miguel Sierra Hoffman, Jenn Katsolis, Karen Brust, Jose Giron, Lauren Smiarowski, Pauline A. Hoosepian-Mer, and Barbara Stryjewska. Novel Approaches in the Treatment of Hansen’s Disease: A Case Series Using Monthly Triple-Drug Therapy of RMM in the United States. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |
Girardi N. The Windshield Wiper Sign: A Radiographic Finding of Hip Instability. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |
Henderson R., S. N. Rich, B. Sprague, C. Grano, D. W. McCormick, E. Mosites, T. Bostic, S. E. Rowan, G. E. Marx. What Front-line Service Providers for People Experiencing Homelessness Know About Body Lice and Associated Diseases — Colorado, 2022. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |
Kalani, A. Ascending and Descending Colon Tissue Metabolite Differences of Healthy Adults Across BMI Classes. Poster Presentation. 2024 Student Research Forum. December, 2024. Denver, Colorado. |
Kalani, A. Ascending and Descending Colon Tissue Metabolite Differences of Healthy Adults Across BMI Classes. Poster Presentation. Western Medical Research Conference. January, 2025. Carmel, California. |
Mazzotta M, Rowh M. Building a one health differential diagnosis: a comprehensive framework for healthcare providers. Poster presented at College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Research Day. January 2024. Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Mazzotta M., J. Felker, A. Mendez Colmenares, J. Skoda, K. Keefer, A. Miravalle. Improving Health Care Literacy Among Patients with MS through a Flipped Classroom Model. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |
Ton, W. Zn Differently Regulates Microtubule Interactions and Motor Protein Behavior on Microtubules. 2024 Student Research Forum. December, 2024. Denver, Colorado. |
Ton, W. Zn Differently Regulates Microtubule Interactions and Motor Protein Behavior on Microtubules. Western Medical Research Conference. January, 2025. Carmel, California. |
Trikha SRJ, Raab R, Ayala M, et al. Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Collegiate Football Players at Colorado State University. Poster presented at: University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 36th Annual - Student Research Forum. Denver, Colorado. December 8, 2021. |
Wehbe M, Steven R. Schuster, MD. Bispecific Antibody Treatment in the Community Cancer Center Setting. Poster presentation. 38th Annual Virtual Student Research Forum. December, 2023. Denver, Colorado. |