Community of Educators

The Center has developed a growing community of education scholars in the Department of Pediatrics.

Scholars collaborate in teams on education research and scholarship projects, meet weekly to share updates and receive feedback on their work, and gather to build skills and expertise for doing education scholarship.

The Pediatric Education Group meets on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. About once per year we have a retreat or symposium, extending an invitation to educators in the Department of Pediatrics and across the campus—which also helps extend the community of educators.

Pediatric Education Group (PEG)

PEG meets on Tuesdays from 11:00 am-noon. PEG provides a forum for the community of educators in the Department of Pediatrics to share presentations of their education work and receive feedback, share plans for projects and get the group’s help with planning, participate in a journal club about health professions education, and build skills for research and scholarship through workshops.

If you would like to have your name on the PEG email distribution list, contact Bernie Gerson ( If you have ideas for topics that would be helpful to you if they were presented at PEG, or if you would like to share your work and get feedback and suggestions for developing your work or preparing presentations or publications about your work, please complete this form: PEG Ideas/Suggestions​.

Annual Retreat/Symposium

Please stay tuned for details on the Annual Retreat!

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