The Department of Neurology prioritizes fostering an inclusive environment for students, trainees, staff, and faculty from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We recognize that improving diversity not only enriches our experiences, it improves the quality of patient care and strengthens our ties to neighboring communities.
Our desire to address these issues within our department led to the formation of the DEI directorship and ultimately the DEI Task Force. From March through June 2021, we engaged members across the neurology department on a DEI Listening Tour to better understand how people think about diversity, equity, and inclusion at the University of Colorado. From these meetings we identified common themes and began work on our Strategic Plan, prioritizing the following key areas: recruitment, retention, education, mentorship, community engagement, and culture/climate.
We invite you to explore our website and progress thus far. Please contact us for information about our initiatives.
Nicole Gonzales, MD
Professor of Neurology
Karen Orjuela, MD, MSCR, FAAN
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Everyone is invited to our monthly lunchtime discussion about various diversity, equity, and inclusion topics.
Brain & Life
Neurology Today
Neurology Today
Neurology Today
Neurology Today
Neurology Today