Past Events and Trainings

The Center hosted 208 hours of training at 45 sites with 775 participants from across all health sectors in Colorado. From these trainings, UCD issued 30 Nursing Continuing Education Credits (CEU’s) and 27 EMT CEU’s
Center hosted trainings for three projects and one workshop event:
- Hazard Based Collaboration and Resource Sharing Project (HCRS), training which provided the following deliverables; C & O Analysis Report, data analysis, situation manuals, resource tool, AAR’s for each region as well as one Statewide, Overview Guidance Document and final report
- Healthcare Coalition/EMSystems Training which provided the following deliverables; Healthcare Coalition Directory and final report
- The Center researched, developed and delivered a pilot NIMS course for Healthcare facilities and is Center is working to get this course accepted as an equivalency from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and then seek accreditation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as an on-line course. More information can be found in the final report.
- Colorado Council for Healthcare Integrated Preparedness (CHIP) workshop which provided the following deliverables; development of council membership, inventory of Colorado Tier 2 to Tier 3 healthcare sector entities, assessment findings, finalization of assessment findings, two (2) statewide next steps project and final report which includes reports on all three aspects of the project: the project, event report, and assessment findings reports.