Grant Proposal: Intent to submit

Please identify the reason you are submitting the Intent to Submit form.*

General Submission Information

Funding Agency*
Proposal Type*
Are We Primary*
Role on Project*

This will allow the DBMI Research Admin Team to collect the necessary information for proposal tracking.

This can be a temporary title, we can update it before final submission

Does this project have any scientific overlap with a proposal submitted to a separate agency?*
Please designate where more than 50% of the research will take place (on or off campus).*
Will subcontractors be included in this proposal?*
Would you like to be included in all email communication with the Sponsor and Subrecipients (if applicable) as it relates to this proposal?*
Predominate Type of Work Being Conducted*


This would include personnel names and percent effort and individual operating expenses.

Basic and Early Translational Research

Research that provides the foundation of knowledge for the applied science that follows. This type of research encompasses scientific disciplines such as biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, cell biology, molecular biology, neuroscience, bioengineering, and pharmacology, and their interplay, and involves laboratory studies with cell cultures and animal model systems, as well as molecular/biochemical studies utilizing human specimens (including -omic studies) that address fundamental mechanisms of physiological function and disease. Additionally, this can include computational modeling, molecular epidemiology, and experimentation in other nonhuman model systems. Basic science also increasingly extends to behavioral and social sciences.

Etiologic, Mechanistic and Clinical Efficacy Research

Research with human subjects that is focused on individual patients. Research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, DNA, specimens, and cognitive phenomena) for which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects or with individual subject’s data. Excluded from this definition are in vitro studies that utilize human tissues that cannot be linked to a living individual. Clinical Research includes: (a) mechanisms of human disease, including basic experimental studies in humans, (b), prevention and therapeutic interventions in controlled settings, (c) classical clinical trials, (d) development of new technologies evaluated at the individual human subject level and e) observational epidemiologic research.

Health Services, Outcomes and Clinical Effectiveness Research

Research which studies the end results (outcomes) of the structure, processes and service delivery of the health care system on the health and well-being of patients and populations. This would include: a) epidemiological research modeling predictors of patient outcomes, b) pragmatic trials of preventive or therapeutic interventions in real world settings, c) studies of implementation and dissemination of evidence-based health care interventions, and d) epidemiologic surveillance studies

Research Protocols and Authorizations

Is this study exempt from federal regulations?*
Does the study involve human participants?*
Are the participants prospectively assigned to an intervention?*
Is the study designed to evaluate the effect of the intervention on the participants?*
Is the effect that will be evaluated a health-related biomedical or behavioral outcome?*

Do you need Research Development Team support?*

(e.g., grant writing, manuscript writing)

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In acknowledgment of our shared commitment to the success of this proposal, I, as the Principal Investigator, certify that both the Research Administrator and I share administrative responsibilities for this proposal. While I focus on scientific development, the research administrator handles administrative requirements, including budget development, internal routing and submission to the sponsor. I am also responsible for reviewing these administrative components to ensure compliance with the guidelines outlined by the funding opportunity.

By submitting the Intent to Submit form, I acknowledge the Institutional and Departmental routing and submission policies.

  • DBMI requires the initial InfoEd routing submission to be completed 14 business days prior to the application deadline. This is 2 business days before the institutional Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) routing deadline of 12 business days prior to the application deadline. Therefore, the initial routing documents are due the day prior to the DBMI initial routing deadline.
  • DBMI requires the final submission deadline to be completed 2 business days prior to the application deadline. This is 2 business days after the institutional Office of Grants and Contracts final submission deadline of 4 business days.
  • I acknowledge that with these submission deadlines, documents will be requested by 12:00 PM MST three business days before the sponsor deadline, to account for the compilation and review of documents that may need final revisions before submission.

*Exception: Deadlines may change due to internal workflow or campus closures. Follow the specific deadlines given by your research administrator.*

I certify that I have read the eligibility requirements of the funding announcement and meet the criteria to serve as PI for this mechanism.